Season’s Greetings! This is the time of year when we all take a little extra time to reflect on our family, our world and what life has presented to us in the past year. If you pay attention to the news, most of us are suffering from some form of shell shock or even Post Traumatic Stress. Some of the institutions we all thought were “bullet” proof, turn out to be part of a mass illusion. How did this happen? Each of us share a portion of the responsibility for this. Each of us must resolve to do better in the New Year. I can hear a lone voice in the wilderness, ” I am only one person, what difference can I make?”
First abandon the old way of thinking. Instead of seeking instant – anything, make decisions that will bring long term benefits. Each choice that you make will not be added to the Merry-go-Round of built in obsolescence. This is the perfect time to push for recovery at personal, national and global levels. This “new” direction can be more rewarding in terms of personal life enrichment than the “old” boom was. The new mind set should provide self fulfilling intentions to every aspect of our day to day living.
Moving forward, we must restore ourselves. A book written by Storm Cunningham, “The Restorations Economy” was published in 2005. Danielle wrote about this book in the July 14, 2008 blog. The books focus is in the building industry but the message should be embraced by everyone who sees real opportunity in the -other side- of all the failures of current industry and institutions of the past months.
As we venture into the next phase of “Life” let us all choose to be the pebble that radiates gentle ripples through the collective conscience of our world.
Blessings, Peace and Love