Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Blog
The Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Office (PHPO) has launched a new blog “PA Historic Preservation” where you can keep up with all the preservation happenings in Pennsylvania.
From their blog:
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“The Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Office (PHPO) is part of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC). The Commission is the Commonwealth’s official history agency, and the Executive Director is designated as the State Historic Preservation Officer. Oversight of the Commission is provided by a board of Commissioners appointed by the Governor.
The role of the PHPO is to identify and protect the architectural and archaeological resources of Pennsylvania. Our responsibility is to work with individuals, communities, local governments, and state and federal agencies to educate Pennsylvanians about our heritage and its value, to build better communities through preservation tools and strategies, to provide strong leadership, both individually and through partnerships, and to ensure the preservation of Pennsylvania’s heritage.”
The Pennsylvania Preservation Post
The PHMC also has an email newsletter, the “Pennsylvania Preservation Post”, you can subscribe to for information on preservation in Pennsylvania. You can sign up on the PHPO blog (look on the sidebar at the right of any page to find the signup form) or visit: